Back to our data-only roots

When we started Charge, we wanted to help usher in a future where mobile connectivity was simpler and priced more transparently. We wanted to make it easy for customers to pay only for the mobile services they need.

So we launched our LTE data-only plan for all Sprint-compatible devices in March of last year. This included support for devices like Apple's iPhone and Google's Nexus phones, for which there hadn't previously existed a simple and easy data-only option. This plan remains our most popular, and we're proud to have sold many thousands of gigabytes to many happy customers.

We then added a couple of simple texting and calling plans last May. These plans allowed customers who weren't ready to go fully data-only to keep their phone numbers and use them with Charge. And while those plans have been popular, the regulatory environment for companies offering voice and SMS functionality isn't favorable to small players like us.

And so with that in mind, we are announcing the discontinuance of our texting and calling plans for new device activations as of January 17th, 2017. Current customers will continue to have access to those plans indefinitely, although we may phase them out entirely at some point in the future.

We remain committed to providing simple data-only mobile service and we're disappointed that we have to reduce customer choice. But this move will make operating our business simpler and will free us up to bring you other potentially more interesting connectivity options in the future.